Saturday, September 17, 2011

Savina : Portraits : 1 Year

It was a birthday photo shoot for Savina and I was loving the cute outfits her mom brought for her 1 Year Photos! We started out with a few shots inside, then moved outside into the sunshine. At a year old, Savina is on the move and exploring and I am sure it will only be a blink of the eye before she is running all over the place after her big brother.

**Slide Show**

Monday, September 5, 2011

Marina : Senior 2012

I was honored to be able to take Marina's photos. I have watched her grow up into such a beautiful young lady and looking at her photos stirs memories and makes me wish only the best for her future!

It's amazing how time flies by and our children grow up so fast! The little ones who ran around riding ponies, jumping on trampolines and blowing out birthday candles on brightly decorated cakes are growing up before my eyes. It is one of the things I enjoy about photographing people; catching a moment in time. Because whether a picture is "good" or "bad", it is who we are in that moment and it creates an everlasting memory; even if we don't realize it then.

**Slide Show**

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