Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Duerr Family

I headed inside to get family photos for Joe & Tani...what a cute bunch they are! Merry Christmas guys :)

**Slide Show**

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tandy : Senior

Tandy & I finally got a chance to go out & get her senior photos taken between sporting events. She is one busy girl & as we all know quite involved in Etna athletics. Look for more sport pictures in the future. We headed outdoors for these & the weather had a little bit of everything to offer. I'm thinking warmer weather would be a good thing at this point. I have been heading out in freezing, just about raining or snowing weather lately & I am already ready for spring to roll around!! Now back to Tandy....

**Slide Show**

Saturday, December 4, 2010

St. Jude....You absolutely should watch this!

With Christmas fast approaching it is so easy to get side tracked by the "what to get" & "what to get done" lists. I have been a supporter of St. Jude for awhile now but this video represents soooo much more than St. Jude alone. It makes me appreciate that my children are healthy and sets me back a for a moment to think about and realize what is really important. This will most likely make you cry some heart felt tears, but it is worth watching every second of it. I also love Matthew West. I just bought his CD the other day, so it was cool to see him sharing this story....just watch it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

King Family

I was delighted to be able to take my sisters family pictures. We crossed our fingers for the weather to hold off raining or snowing on us & luckily it did! It was a little cold & damp out but we got it done, yeah!

**Slide Show**

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