Thursday, October 21, 2010

Making some web changes...

I am changing some hosting and site settings that deal with my site & blog address forwarding, so if you have any problems viewing please know that these issues should be fixed shortly. You can always go to and navigate from there if you are having issues viewing my posts. Thanks for your patience during this transition.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hadley : Portraits II

Round II for Hadley! She was a trooper & I've decided she is going to be a social butterfly, because she is bound & determined to stay awake & visit with me! That is just fine though because she has gorgeous eyes & it is amazing to see just how quickly babies grow & develop!

Slide Show: Updated

Monday, October 18, 2010

Heather, Teal, Caressa, Jennifer : Portraits

Teal, Jennifer, Caressa & Jennifer will be graduating this year...Class of 2011! They have been together & friends since Kindergarten, so they got together & we had some fun!

Some Laughs to go around...crazy girls :)!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Katie : Senior 2011

Katie is such a beautiful, talented girl! She is growing up into a wonderful person, one I have known since she was itty bitty! She has been a neighbor & family friend from the start & it was awesome to be able to photograph her now that she is a senior! Wow, how time flies from diapers to diploma's!!

Katie: Slide Show

Lookin' Fierce! These are two of my favorites

'Hats off' (or ON!) to FFA! :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Teal : Senior 2011

Ventured out with Teal again and had a great time getting some more senior photos.

Slide Show : Teal

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hadley : Portraits

Little Miss Hadley is such a beautiful little one! She decided having her photos taken wasn't going to be on her 'to do' list for the day, but we managed to get a few...she made me work for it.

This first picture pretty much sums up how she felt about the day!

Hadley : Slide Show

Soooo Sweet!

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